Textile Bangla

by Bdpopular IT



Some words about Textile BanglaThe common language of the blog is in Bengali instead of English, the main reason is that we have textile students who are diploma, vocational students for whom it is very easy to learn textiles in Bengali language.The ideal blog for those who are studying textiles and want to do self-study on the subject, "Textile Bangla".The purpose of Textile Bangla is to research/discuss textiles.Textile Bangla Blogs job is to research what is processed in the industry, and how this technology can be improved.Currently the biggest textile technology and engineering based blog in Bangladesh “Textile Bangla”.You will find everything written about textile technology with practical experience.1. Internship Tips2. fabric3. Yarn4. Fabric dyeing5. Yarn dyeing6. Quality control7. cutting8. Finishing9. Washing8. lab9. printing10. Garments11. Merchandising12. Spinning13. Textile Job Circular14. General Knowledge of TextilesYou will find more articles on this blog.The purpose of using complete Bengali language in this blog is that it is very easy for diploma or vocational students to learn textile in Bengali language.By thinking of them, our mother tongue has been given priority.If you want you can tell us your opinion about Textile Bangla.